At Wilbrandt Law,

I don’t fall back on cookie-cutter agreements or textbook solutions.

I approach each matter with an open mind and the fresh perspective which every case deserves. Each family brings its own players and interpersonal dynamics to the table. To paraphrase Leo Tolstoy, “Happy families are all alike; but every unhappy family insists on being unhappy in its own way.” While I strive to make each client a happy client, I understand that the road to resolution is often marked by bumps and sharp curves. I use my legal knowledge, life experiences and willingness to think outside the box to help my clients navigate potential roadblocks to settlement and explore alternate avenues to a satisfactory conclusion of their case.

What you think and feel matters.

I understand that each case and every client is unique.

My clients know that their legal issues as well as their personal concerns will receive the diligent care, attention and respect of my experience and professionalism. I encourage each client to share their goals, needs, wishes and even fears regarding their case and their future to assist me in my understanding of their objectives and to enable me to craft workable solutions to the very personal legal issues which they bring to my office.

I do one thing and I do it well.

I represent families – families in formation, families in transition and families in conflict.

I am a dedicated family lawyer, with a passionate commitment to protecting my clients’ interests while seeking to control collateral damage to their children and loved ones. I am mindful of cost and believe that, whenever possible, family conflicts should be resolved outside the courtroom. Effective, practical and workable solutions are the hallmark of my practice.

DIY alternatives for the self-represented litigant.

When a traditional attorney-client relationship is outside your budget or not your style.

I offer a number of DIY options for the self-represented litigant to help you navigate the legal process, understand the particular issues in your case and evaluate the options and decisions before you. Available services include attorney consultations; preparation and/or review of, pleadings, motions, agreements and other legal documents associated with your case; as well as personal “coaching” to help you organize and prepare for hearings, trials, settlement negotiations and mediation.

One size never fits all.

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